Each day we have many persons praying for family and friends of FUMC. Our prayer list is updated weekly with any joys and concerns of our congregation including hospitalizations, surgeries, births, deaths, and illnesses. Ministers on staff and members of the congregation visit, call, write notes, deliver communion, and most importantly pray for concerns as they arise.

Prayer concerns & joys from the heart

If you have a care or concern you would like added to our prayer list, please contact

When sending an email, please include the following information: your name, name of person in need, specific prayer request, and phone number to contact for more information.

Funeral/Memorial Services

Planning a Celebration, Memorial, or Funeral is not a task that many of us ponder. When we are deep in grief, making decisions about our loved one becomes difficult. Writing down your wishes is the most thoughtful gift you can give your family. Please contact Paul ( or Jennifer ( or call the church office 828-322-6058.