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Mature Methodists
The Mature Methodists Ministry of First Church Hickory is a vital part of the total life and ministry of the congregation. It is made up of adults over the age of 55 whose talents are many and whose energy and creativity is abundant.
The adults who are involved in the Mature Methodists Ministry of First Church participate fully in the life of this community, volunteering at the Hickory Soup Kitchen and Cooperative Christian Ministry; with the Art Museum; in the local schools; and more!
They also choose activities within the church as outlets for their energy and talents. They are leaders and teachers of Sunday School classes, United Methodist Women circles, and other groups within the church. They support the mission work of the church, serve on the Church Council, and sing in the choir.
The organization of senior adults at First Church began on February 13, 1979, with a goal to provide opportunities for fellowship and service. This group (named the Goforth Club after a former associate pastor) meets at 11:30 am on the first Tuesday of the month for a meal and program.
In 1988, an Older Adult Council was formed. Its purpose was, and still is, to plan ministry to meet the needs of the older adults in the congregation. The Older Adult Council changed its name recently to the Mature Methodist Council and is composed of officers of the Goforth Club, representatives from adult Sunday School classes, at-large members, and chairmen of committees which hold specific responsibilities for older adult ministry. Those committees take on the responsibility of:
Program: This committee plans special events and programs for the Goforth Club meetings.
Visitation: A very important committee, this group organizes the visitation of people who are unable to attend church activities regularly. This ministry supplements the ministry provided by a part-time Visitation Ministry staff member and FUMC clergy. In addition, the Visitation Chairmen regularly send greeting cards to bereaved or ill members.
Over 90 Ministry: This committee insures that a rosebud is placed on the altar each year to honor the birthday of each member who is 90 years old or older. It also delivers the flower to the honoree and keeps members informed about these older adults.
Travel & Enrichment: This committee plans cultural enrichment, travel, and fellowship opportunities for adults of the church.
Crafts: This group makes gifts for the homebound members of the congregation. It often provides table decorations for monthly Goforth Club meetings and creates crafts and enjoys conversation each Tuesday morning in the Craft Room.
Resources: The Resource Coordinator seeks and researches ways through which the Older Adult Council can provide benefit to the older adults of the congregation and others.
You are encouraged to become involved in the Mature Methodists Ministry of First United Methodist Church. For more information about activities and meeting dates or to volunteer to serve in Older Adult ministry, please contact the church office:
Goforth Club Meeting – 1st Tuesdays, 12:00 pm (except July). Visitors are always welcome! (Cost: $7 for lunch)
Fellowship ‘N’ Crafts! – Tuesday mornings 9:30 am until noon in the Craft Room. Visitors are always welcome and then soon become friends!