One of the most significant ways adults grow in faith and connect with one another at First Church is through participation in one of many Sunday School classes offered on a weekly basis. The heart of each class is Christian formation through study, fellowship, and service. All classes begin at 10:00 am and end at 10:45 am.

This class began in the 1940’s near the end of World War II, and it continues to be a class of active men and women who earnestly love and care for each class member.  The study of the Adult Bible/International Lesson Series is led by a rotation of teachers. Class members enjoy a social dinner out the 4th Thursday of each month.

Class members ring the bell for The Salvation Army annually, and it actively supports local ministries and others as the need arises.

Everything Possible In Christ is a class for couples or parents to study scripture, engage in Christian community, and serve others.

Genesis class members are age 50 and up with common interest in Bible study and today’s Christian issues.   Class starts with a time to share concerns, praises and opening prayer. Class materials focus on a variety of Christian topics with classes led by a leader/facilitator. People are encouraged to talk or simply listen. Members offer their diverse ideas and insight that benefits everyone.   Creating Christian community is an important aspect for the Genesis class.

The class strives for a balance of study, fellowship, and service. Members actively participate in annual Salvation Army bell ringing, selected outreach programs and church projects and fellowship including trivia contests and dinners.   Come join us during Sunday School in classroom 248.

This class keeps a journal of intercessory prayer concerns that are communicated to all class members via the weekly email memo. Its teachers are class members who rotate weekly providing changing perspectives and outlooks. They use the Adult Bible Series primarily, but intersperses that series occasionally with other curriculum on contemporary and spiritual topics of interest.

The class supports a variety of ministries, including two Compassion International children, FUMC Youth Meals, the Young Adults SS, the PDF, and sponsors the School Supply Drive for Southwest Primary School. Joy Outlook provides needed supplies and clothing for the men of Austin Care Center throughout the year

For young adults and young families with a new teacher and new curriculum in January! Meet in the craft room (lower level atrium)

This class is made up of men ages 50 thru 92 who enjoy fellowship and studying the scriptures together.  The Men’s Class has a tradition of generosity and supports numerous projects and funds such as Eagle Scout Projects, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, the Methodist Children’s Home, and the pastor’s discretionary fund.

This class is the largest Sunday School class at First UMC with more than 100 members on the roll.  It has approximately 60 to 70 active members and an average attendance of 40-50 on Sundays. The class is made up of couples and single members with an average age in the 60’s.  Pairs & Spares members have a lively social schedule to compliment their dedication to studying about & serving Jesus Christ. The Pairs & Spares class utilizes a variety of studies, each averaging about 6 weeks in length.  Teachers are generally class members with an occasional leader from outside the class.

This class is a friendly, caring group which welcomes visitors and new members. Many members serve on church committees and participate in mission service projects.

The Timotheans live Paul’s instructions to Timothy, “Set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith and purity,” – I Timothy 4:12

This class studies the International Lesson Series. It encourages lots of class discussion, supports numerous service projects and has monthly socials.

Faith, Family, and Friends!  Families with children and other adults join together to deepen their spiritual faith and understanding of the Bible through applications of class study and real life experiences.  The Trinity Class has a deep commitment of service to FUMC and the community. The Trinity class uses curricula that includes a mix of traditional Bible study and materials that examine how the biblical truths apply to everyday life.

The Women’s Bible Class was formed when two women’s classes with long histories merged approximately 15 years ago.  The class is comprised of learning, sharing, and caring women who contribute much of their time, talent, gifts, and service to the ministry of First Church.