Sunday School
First United Methodist Church offers Sunday School classes for children from ages 3 through fifth grade. The classes are designed to inform, challenge, teach, and inspire young people to grow, serve, and live as Christ’s disciples. Sunday School classes are arranged by age groups and are taught by volunteers who have completed the UMC Safe Sanctuary training. Each classroom has a teacher and an assistant who prepare lessons to engage the children.
3 and 4 year-old class meets in the preschool wing of the church. They begin class with music and then move into the lesson portion of their time together.
Kinder-2nd grade class and 3rd-5th grade class meet in combined groups. The older students in each class help nurture the younger students as they work together in grow in their faith. Both classes meet on the 1st floor of the church building in the Sunday school hallway.
For more information, contact Savannah Jones Marr or call the church office 828-322-6058.
Sunday Evenings
First Kids (K-2nd) and AGAPE Kids (3rd-5th) meet from 5:00-6:00 with Mary in the Community Room to explore the Bible through art, music, drama, and games. Agape kids have a heart for mission so a variety of mission opportunities will be available to them during the course of the year.
For more information about children’s activities on Wednesday nights, contact Savannah Jones Marr or call the church office 828-322-6058.
Additional opportunities to engage our children include: Music programs, Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, Blessing of the backpacks, Breakfast with Santa, Parents’ Night Out, Early Christian Meal, a Good Friday experience, and the Winter Picnic.
Click here for a Calendar of Events. Visit our Children’s Music and Arts page for more information, too.