What is Confirmation?

Eighth grade students participate in confirmation classes on Sunday evenings following youth group. Classes typically run January-March with a confirmation retreat in April and Confirmation Sunday in May. The confirmation curriculum articulates the key beliefs of the Christian faith speaking from the United Methodist tradition. It is designed to help young people develop a deeper knowledge of the God who loves them and who also calls them to respond.

Who Do We Confirm?

We recommend youth participate in confirmation during their 8th grade year, however each family should decide if and when their teen is ready. During our program, students will gain a deep understanding of both the teachings of the United Methodist Church as well as the covenant they commit to upon being confirmed.

We offer other confirmation classes on occasion separate from this middle school program for interested high school children or adults.

The Next Step

Are you a parent or student who would like to begin confirmation classes for your child or yourself? Please contact Heather ( or call the church office 828-322-6058.