Drama/Musical Theater
One of the ways our society reaches the hearts and imaginations of all people is through performing and visual arts. At FUMC we purposefully use the performing arts to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and to proclaim the love and grace of God. Members of musical theater are involved in set, costume, and prop construction, creative dramatics, music, and choreographed movement, all culminating in a wonderful story of God’s Grace. This truly unique ministry provides opportunities for recognition and development of God-given abilities in a safe environment for both adults and children.
Every other year Good Friday is celebrated with “Early Christian Meal,” a solemn portrayal of Jesus’ death, ending with the Lord’s Supper. Each year this presentation is by ordinary people with extraordinary stories as they portray first century persons who met Jesus while he was here on earth. Children, youth, and adults participate in this powerful presentation.
Other opportunities for theater present themselves throughout the year, such as the summer arts camp, which has produced The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Down By the Creek Bank, and Old Testament Fast Forward, to name a few. For more information, contact Rhonda (renee@firstumchickory.org) or call the church office 828-322-6058.